Are You Ready for Commitment?
Sunday, August 30, 2009
by Penelope
If you have been single for a long time and you feel that you might still be missing something in your life then maybe it’s time to ask yourself if you are ready for a commitment. You have to be ready to commit yourself to someone before actually committing yourself into a relationship. Commitment is a heavy word and things are not as easy as they seem. But if you are really sure that you are ready to commit then you must ask yourself these things to be sure that you are ready.
Are you ready to accept the fact that being committed in a relationship might entail you to sacrifice some things in your life? When committed in a relationship, you don’t only think of yourself but you think of things that would concern your partner’s life. Commitment is not only being faithful to your partner but you should also be able to sacrifice things when needed and if you are ready to do all that then you are ready for a commitment.
Are you ready to make the relationship a priority over some other things in your life? When you are used to prioritizing things that you deem important to you then it might be pretty hard to include new priorities in your life specially those that would involve your partner. Being committed to your partner will actually make you rearrange your priorities in life. Assuming that you are okay with that, you are already commitment ready.
Are you ready to make plans for the future while taking into consideration your partner’s future as well? Making plans together with your partner is something you should be accustomed to doing especially if the two of you are serious about the relationship and is planning to spend the rest of your lives together. If this is something that you are not yet comfortable doing then committing to a person is not yet for you.
With whatever we do in life, we always have to have a certain degree of commitment. Relationships need more than just committing. It needs a deeper more in depth kind of commitment because you are not only handling your own life but also the life of your partner. So before you go into any commitment, you must be able to be sure that you are ready and you want it badly.
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