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Dating Tips When You’re Low on Cash

by Marie

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Have you ever experienced having a date and suddenly finding out that you are short of resources? Have you ever had the dilemma of wanting to be on a date with the girl of your dreams, but you're low on cash?

During these down times, when recession is at its worst, finding your dream girl and wanting to capture her attention has become a worry. That is, of course, expected. We have always equated a dream date to be something quite expensive. If it is impressive, it follows that it has to be expensive.

Well, I have news for you. Having your dream date with your dream mate need not be expensive. Just because you are low on cash doesn't mean you need to be down on your luck with dating.

You only need to be creative and romantic. Make it a date to remember by going back to basic. Here are some great date activities that you can do together without spending a lot of cash:

  1. Go strolling by the beach barefooted and walking hand in hand. Be lighthearted and share funny anecdotes. Before you know it, you have shared intimate details about yourselves. Then buy yourselves a burger and beverage. Continue bonding with your date.   
  2. Try going on a picnic near the beach. Bring a simple basket with fruit and wine and two glasses. Don’t forget the blanket. It adds to the drama and romance. Then make her feel the most special lady in the world.
  3. You can ask her to go walking or hiking. Head for somewhere peaceful and quiet.  Commune with nature as you also bask in her natural beauty. Make it an intimate getting to know you date. Mind you, don’t forget to bring something to eat and drink.
  4. Ask her to go star gazing. Bring a blanket for your romantic date under the stars. A bottle of chilled wine will add pizzazz to an idyllic evening.
  5. Invite her to go rock climbing. This is an economical date but it will surely keep your hearts beating faster... together.
  6. Ask her to go to mass with you. That is, if you are church going type. This is an inexpensive date but it will have serious undertones – she will know that you don’t take her lightly.
  7. Watch a romantic movie with her. Choose something that she will love but won’t drive you to sleep. Your budget, I guess, should include popcorn and drinks. Let her know that you chose that movie with her in mind. She will love you for that.
  8. Invite her for dinner. Set the table in the garden with a candle light, chilled wine, a single stemmed rose and food that you cooked for her. You can add some soft music. It never ceases to amaze any girl, for that matter.

There are actually many activities that you can come up with. The only important thing is to make sure that both of you have the time of your life sharing intimate moments like these. Just make sure that you use the time together to get to know each other. And don’t forget to turn on the charm. It always works. She will remember your dates not because of the amount of money you spent. Instead she will treasure how charming, sweet and attentive you were.

See, I told you, dating need not be expensive!



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