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How to Get out of a Bad Date?

by Penelope

There are plenty of creative ways to get yourself out of a bad date.
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Finally you’re in a date with someone that you have been talking to for a while now, but then you notice something that you don’t like about the guy. Suddenly, things don’t seem to fall into place and you feel that the date is starting to turn out real bad for you. There are lots of ways that you can get out of a bad date without having to be rude to your date. After all what’s the point of ruining things that are already ruined right? Here are some tips on how you can get out of that bad date… and fast!

  1. Simulate a fake emergency call that you have to attend to right away. With the technology now, there are lots of programs that can be downloaded to your cell phone to simulate a very important call and that you have to leave to attend to immediately. This way, you get to excuse yourself without having to really be rude and all. You will have to explain to your date that you have an emergency and that you are sorry for bailing out on your date. That way, you won’t look like a bad person and at the same time your date will be spared of the embarrassment of you leaving.
  2. Spill some food on your clothes. Plain and simple. If you spilled food on your white dress, you won’t be able to go hang out for long anymore. You can just say you have to clean up the spill in order to avoid stains and all that. It’s a very easy way to get out of a bad date and if you make a fool of yourself then your date might even think twice about dating you again because of your clumsiness. You’re not only spared from your date, but also future dates with the person.
  3. Ask a friend to rescue you from the date. You can always have a friend ready to rescue you whenever you feel like the date is getting out of hand. You can send signals on when to have him/her bail you out. This is actually one of the classics that people do in order to get out of a bad date so it will give your date a hint that you are not into him/her.

Worse comes to worst, you can always be honest to your date and gracefully exit. There’s nothing wrong with being honest just as long as you say it the proper way and that you really mean what you say. However if you don’t have the guts to do that then these fool proof tips will greatly help you get out of a bad date.



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