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Tips on Choosing the Venue for a Blind Date


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Your friend has matched you with someone. She won’t describe him in detail but says that he is tall, dark and handsome and warns you that you would hit it off together. It is your first blind date and you are nervous and have apprehensions. How would you go about it, where, and what to wear? Most important of all, what to talk about, and then what next? Such are some reactions to a blind date. It centers on the fear of the unknown.

But ask anyone who have experienced blind dating and you get different interesting answers. Some blind dates led to the altar after more that a dozen dates afterwards, while other blind dates died a natural death before they even bloomed. So don’t take it seriously. Go meet him, enjoy, make it light and fun but be wary.

The man has the difficult task of choosing the venue for his blind date. Usually men choose a venue that they think would really please the woman. So they choose a place they are comfortable with. What would be the most ideal?

Experts agree that the purpose of blind dating is to get to know about each other, similar to an introduction without a third party. The couple is left on their own to discover each other. Obviously, a movie would not be a good venue for your blind date. How would you talk inside a movie theatre if you are to focus on the movie? A formal dinner date at an expensive restaurant would also not be a very good bet. How else would you be able to talk and know get to know each other if you are negotiating the steak? Plus, this setting would possibly make one or both of you uncomfortable, due to the formal, reserved atmosphere.

This first meeting should be fun with topics that are casual, not issues that necessitate serious thinking and discussion. Conversations should be light in order to break the ice to get over the surprise of seeing each other for the very first time. An outdoor concert may be good or a walk in the park or mall, or even watching a game of football or basketball. Generally, these activities for a blind date will give each other an opportunity for first time talk and get to be at ease with each other. There wouldn't be too much face to face conversations that would sometimes be embarrassing for first time encounters. Make the conversation casual, amusing and funny. So for the couple to be able to talk comfortably and give each other some silence time, a very formal dinner date would again not be recommended.

It is proper that the venue set would be agreed upon by both parties, so that both would know what to expect and how to dress. If it would be at a ball game, casual and sporty would be best. If it would be a walk in the park, comfortable shoes are a must and a casual but trendy outfit would be attractive.

If you are at a game, a take-out snack is ideal. You could also get refreshments in a pleasant and comfortable café afterwards.

What would you talk about? Conversation should center on general topics of getting-to-know-you such as your career, hobbies, and interests like the type of books you read or the music you love to listen to. Light banter and jokes can also save the awkwardness of the first date. But you should not reveal information that you usually reserve for someone you know well.

The date can last maybe for a period of two to four hours, just enough for casual conversation. After the date the woman should thank the man for the nice time they had together. It is just proper that the man should escort the lady home or to where she would like go or get her a cab.

The first blind date should not have to be the determining factor if the pair will end up marrying one another, but a way of knowing whether there's a possibility of a good match. Nevertheless, to make that blind date memorable, both should be upbeat, courteous and positive. And remember that the venue plays a good role in helping you get to know each other. If both have enjoyed the date and each other’s company, there would surely be other fun dates to follow. So sit back, relax and just enjoy! 


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